Koenigia savatieri (Nakai) Chepinoga
Botanica Pacifica 2023 :   127
IUCN: Evidence: morphology
B.: Polygonum savatieri Nakai
New Combination
CHEPINOGA Victor V., SEREGIN Alexey P., BARKALOV Vyacheslav Yu., EBEL Alexander L., EFIMOV Petr G., FRIESEN Nikolai V., GONTCHAROV Andrey A., KECHAYKIN Alexey A., KNYAZEV Mikhail S., KOROBKOV Alexander A., KOROLYUK Elena A., KOSACHEV Petr A., LUFEROV Alexander N., MELNIKOV Denis G., NIKIFOROVA Olga D., OVZINNIKOVA Svetlana V., SCHEKHOVSTSOVA Irina N., TROSHKINA Victoria I.
New Combinations and New Names in Vascular Plants of Asian Russia
Botanica Pacifica 12 (2): 120 ~ 133 (127), 2023
CHINA [Taiwan]
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